Before U Adult: What The Classroom Doesn't Teach You.

Set Your Price

 "Before you set the price of your time, it would be wise to add value to yourself. When you go to the negotiating table, you will have more leverage to demand your desired price. You need a willingness to learn new skills. The world around you is forever changing, and you don’t want to be left behind.”



“Comfort is the killer of progress. To advance in life you have to be willing to change. Take responsibility of why you probably don’t feel adequate within yourself and begin the changing process.”


Invest More Than You Consume

“Until you reach a point of value, the majority of your income should go into an investment of yourself. Investing in your mind is, for the most part, free and priceless. Education is something that comes in many different forms. You can pay for higher education and learn within the traditional route, or learn by yourself through other people, books, research on the internet, and even experiences.”